Mục được đánh dấu với thẻ "GSC3570":

Sản phẩm

Grandstream, IP Intercoms
The GSC3570 is a powerful intercom and facility control station designed to provide businesses with a dedicated device to manage facility communications, door access, physical security and more. This device can be complete solution for easy door control, intercom and paging communication, security camera management and facility-wide UC integration.
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Mua ngay với 1 nhấp chuột

Yealink, Full-HD Video Conferencing Systems
The Yealink VC500 is designed to ensure everyone has an immersive communication in the workspace. Equipped with a 5x optical zoom PTZ camera, it supports 1080P/60FPS video calls to make your business discussion be as life-like and interactive as possible.
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