LapCabby: UniCabby 20 Horizontal | 20-Device Mobile AC Charging Trolley for Laptops, Tablets and Chromebooks up to 14" - Horizontal

LapCabby, Charging Locker
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The 'UniCabby 20 Horizontal' charges 20 Devices up to 14 " screen size - Chromebooks, laptops and tablets including protective cases. It features horizontal storage shelves with a built-in cable management system. The UniCabby offers fast, flexible and simultaneous charging with a programmable timer. Maximum security & safety is guarenteed with dual point locking system and separate lockable power compartment. It's easy to move with ergonomic top handles, rounded corner bumpers and multi-directional non-marking wheels. The TabCabby offers silent charging with unique ventilation system and a built-in heat sensor shuts off power automatically if over-heating occurs.

General Information

Product Type:
Charging Locker

Product Data Sheet (Spec-Sheet-UniCabby-20H-UK-1.pdf, 1,034 Kb) [下载]

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